October 2004
Stars Shine Bright
Each month NPTC President and CEO Gary Petty writes a column in Fleet Owner magazine that focuses on the individuals, companies, best practices, and resources that make private trucking the force that it is in the American economy. Reaching more than 100,000 subscribers, three-quarters of whom are private fleet professionals, this column provides an excellent forum to communicate the value of the private fleet. Click here to view the archive.
Gary Petty | gpetty@nptc.org | Private Fleet Editor for FleetOwner Magazine
Gary Petty has more than 30 years of experience as CEO of national trade associations in the trucking industry. He has been the president and CEO of the National Private Truck Council since 2001.

Stars Shine Bright
During the past year, NPTC launched a special membership classification called the FIVE STAR MEMBER program. Participation in the program is limited to an invitational “Charter” group of 50 companies and is open to both Fleet and Allied/Supplier organizations alike which are already regular NPTC dues-paying members. The annual contribution for these special members is $5,000, in addition to their regular NPTC membership dues.
The purpose of the FIVE STAR MEMBER program is to raise financial support for the training and certification offerings at NPTC through its educational subsidiary, the NPTC Institute. The Institute is an IRS-recognized 501(c)3 educational/charitable corporation and all contributions are fully tax-deductible as charitable donations. The distinction, thus, is that the $5,000 contribution is a “donation to charity” whereas the NPTC membership dues are a business expense paid to the Council which is an IRS-recognized 501(c)6 “business league” trade association.
These contributions provide essential financial resources to help support several NPTC services including:
All of these programs contribute to, and build upon, the essential knowledge-base and continuing education of the private fleet manager and supplier professional. The focus is on practical, job-relevant information and skills that help fleet professionals learn from one another. Participants in all of these programs report an excellent “return-on-investment” value for their jobs and their companies.
What makes these programs especially important to private fleet corporations and suppliers? There are three compelling answers:
FIRST: A UNIQUE PRIVATE FLEET CULTURE. NPTC training services are offered in virtually the only culture of its kind that helps private fleet professionals “give and get” information to grow, improve and “stack up” their operations with the collective experience of the industry on a national scale. More and more mangers are engaging in this dialogue, enriching the pool of knowledge.
SECOND: QUALITY & REAL-WORLD APPLICATION. NPTC programs are exceptionally well done, generally, and get better every year through continuous improvement reviews and critical member feedback. The programs are measured in nuts and bolts, take-home value designed for the hands-on fleet professional.
THIRD: “ONLY GAME IN TOWN”. NPTC educational programs are fast becoming “the only game in town” for corporations. In recent years, many colleges and universities have dropped their transportation and logistics courses and replaced them with a broad, a more theoretical global supply chain management curriculum.
The result may mean more college graduates entering the corporate transportation workforce as fledging managers, by design or happenstance, without the practical knowledge and understanding of transportation fundamentals.
Corporate recruiters report that the demand for transportation/logistics positions far exceeds supply. This means many jobs go begging due to short supply of qualified candidates.
NPTC training programs obviously fill an important void. More and more companies recognize their value and are “institutionalizing” NPTC programs by enrolling several managers in Council courses. Doing so also helps companies standardize and raise the knowledge/skill base among several transportation managers at multiple locations.
In an effort to increase awareness of NPTC offerings, and promote “early buy-in” to NPTC value, the Council launched this year a new venture called the Collegiate Member Program” which for a nominal fee provides an array of NPTC services to students while enrolled as full time college students. Originator of the idea, Matt Peterson, CTP, Chairman of the NPTC Board of Directors, explained, “In today’s highly competitive work place, students who receive a quality education, obtain field work experience, and make the proper industry contacts can be assured they are top candidates for placement.”
All of the forgoing, of course, costs money. To keep NTPC membership dues, seminars, on-line course, conferences and other services at relatively affordable prices to most participants, NTPC relies on supplemental sources of finding. The FIVE STAR MEMBERSHIP is key to ensuring a strong future for the Council’s education mission.
Check out NPTC’s website and see the growing list of FIVE STAR MEMBER companies already committed to helping ensure that NPTC training programs “shine bright” for years to come.