Recertification is a mandatory element of all job-based certification programs − the CTP program is no different. The Recertification guidelines contained herein are designed to ensure the continued transportation-related education of the individuals who earn the CTP designation. On an annual basis, CTPs will be invoiced $100 to maintain active and participatory status.
[ Special Notice to CTPs regarding 2020 Recertification Points, 07/21/20 ]
Step 1: CTPs Must Submit 50 Points Every Three Years
- 50 Recertification points must be earned during the 3-year period to recertify − see Points Matrix below to learn how to earn CTP Recert Points. There is no need to submit more than 50 points every three years because they cannot be rolled-over to new recert periods. For example, if you earn 50 points in your first year, they can be submitted then or anytime and you don’t need to submit points again until you start a new 3-year recert period.
- Online submission of Recertification points (required) need only be conducted once during the 3-year period or may be filed annually or as earned. Check your online profile for the status of your CTP account where you can view what and how many points you have earned and submitted during your current recert period. Note that points for participation in NPTC events may be automatically applied to your account on your behalf.
Step 2: CTPs Must Pay the $100 Recert Fee Every Year
All CTPs are invoiced the required $100 Recertification Fee every year on December 1st. This fee is due within 30-days. Statements are emailed to CTPs at both their work and home email accounts on file at NPTC. If your email address or any other contact information has changed, please advise NPTC immediately at You are responsible for advising NPTC if your work and/or home contact information has changed. To ensure you receive your annual notice email, please add to your anti-spam safe list.
Once you have become recertified, at the end of a three-year period, you will start a new three-year recert cycle and will again begin gathering Recertification points for that new period. Unused Recertification points cannot be applied from one three-year Recertification period to another, nor can they be transferred to any other individual. Questions, please contact Kristen Todd at
Below is a matrix of learning and participation opportunities to earn recertification points:
Continuing Education Participation: | Points Earned |
Attend NPTC Annual Conference | 25 |
Attend Private Fleet Management Institute | 45 |
Attend CTP Examination Preparation Workshop | 15 |
Attend National Safety Conference | 20 |
Industry Participation: | Points Earned |
Trade/Professional Memberships (each) | 5 |
Leadership/Chair of Industry Board/Committee (each) | 15 |
Member of Industry Committee/Board (each) | 15 |
Speaking Engagements (each) | 15 |
Published Transportation Related Article/Work | 15 |
Industry Educational Program/Seminar/Workshop (each) | 10 |
Award Recognition for Individual or Fleet | 2.5 |
CTP Participation: | Points Earned |
Volunteer at CTP Booth at Annual Conference | 5 |
Assist with grading the CTP Exam | 25 |
Completed CTP Study Guide module − Safety | 10 |
Completed CTP Study Guide module − Fleet Finance | 10 |
Completed CTP Study Guide module − Maintenance & Equipment | 10 |
Completed CTP Study Guide module − Human Resources | 10 |
Completed CTP Study Guide module − Operations | 10 |
For information about the CTP Study Guide modules, please contact Kristen Todd at
Every CTP has a fixed, 3-year Recertification Cycle in which they can earn and report Recertification Points for that 3-year cycle period. At the end of the fixed 3-year cycle, and with the required 50 points earned and the $100 annual fee paid ($100 per year for 3-years = $300 total), the CTP’s account is advanced for a new, fixed 3-year period and their Recertification Points balance is reset to ZERO to start the new period.
Joe earned his CTP in 2015 − his CTP Join/Start date in his online profile is 4/1/2015. Joe’s initial 3-year Recertification Cycle is 2016 to 2019. Joe must earn and report at least 50 Recertification Points by 1/31/2019 AND submit $100 payment for each of the three years ($300 total) to Recertify.
At or near the end of Joe’s fixed, 3-year recert cycle, his account is reviewed by staff and if determined that the Recertification requirements have been met, Joe’s online account is updated to reflect the next 3-year Recertification Cycle; in Joe’s case, his recert cycle is advanced to 2020 to 2022 and his point balance is reset to ZERO. His new cycle has an expire/end date of 1/31/2022… and the process begins anew.
If you fail to meet the CTP Recertification requirements as described herein, notification will be sent to you by February 15 of your failure to submit sufficient Recertification points, pay the annual $100 recertification fee and/or to meet the requirements. You will be given a two-week grace period to provide evidence of the required recertification points and submit the fee. Failure to do so will result in the revocation of your CTP designation.
To again earn the CTP designation, you will be required to apply and sit for the CTP Examination. Submission of the CTP Eligibility Application will not be required, but you will have to submit a CTP Examination Application by December 1 along with the application fee. A passing grade would be required on both portions of the CTP Examination to again earn the designation. Individuals have a two-year grace period to retake the CTP Examination and again earn the designation.
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“I discovered that NPTC is an amazing organization. The exam prep course was fantastic. I only wish I had completed the program 15 years ago. Everything I learned preparing for the CTP exam was very beneficial.”
Amanda Lung, CTP
Pepsi Beverages Company
Top Graduate
CTP Class of 2021